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Thursday 01st March 2007 07:35:59 PM

2007 Academy Awards: Worst-Dressed

I said it before and I'll say it again. You fucking look like a baked potato with a tin foil! I love Andre Leon Talley with all my heart so I guess that python bolero jacket was his (and Wintour & Co.) way of concealing the fact that you're festively obese.. but damn you look soo terrible. Your dress is just awful! Congratulations for winning the gold though -- may your head get bigger than what it is now. As far as I'm concerned, you're still a worthless undeserving bitch who looks like a fucking potato. Just disappear god dammit! Vanish from the face of the planet. The world has seen enough of you already.

Friday 02nd March 2007 02:34:00 AM
From: crazy
damn it

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